11 October, 2009

The "Shameless Argument"

In response to "Two Wrongs Make Another Fiasco" by Frank Rich of the New York Times: Sunday, 11 October.

We need to realize what the wars in the Middle-East are for. Are they on par with the American people's values and beliefs? Do they represent our worldview? The more I ask myself these questions, the more I doubt the success and reasons for them.
The 640,000 troop level suggested by General Patraeus is outrageous! Not only would we be fueling a wild goose chase of a war, scouring the whole of the Middle-East for a threat that never was. The mere fact that intelligence officials state that "there are few, if any, links between Taliban commanders in Afghanistan today and senior Al Qaeda members" tells me that we need to reevaluate where we're going in this war. Are we really going to let ourselves be drawn into another irrelevant conflict by proponents of unsuccessful war?
These conflicts just go from one country to the next. First, Afghanistan, then Iraq, next Afghanistan again- next, Iran or Pakistan, then Somalia or Yemen- it seems to never end.
Rich makes a good point when he remembers that the goal, the victory, of the war is "left vaguely defined." And he states that the American people realize this, that there may be some sleight of hand here. This second chance can be achieved if we look past the rhetoric of those who urge for war in order to alleviate "Armageddon," if we take a good hard critical look at what we've done in the Middle-East and work to right our policy in our current situation.

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